
Lip $12
Eyebrows $22
Chin $20
Forearms $40
Full Arms $60
Underarms $30
Full Legs $80
Half Legs $50
Back $70
Bikini $45
Brazilian $80
Modified Brazilian $60


Waxing reduces hair growth when performed at regular 30-day intervals. Because waxing pulls the hair out by the root, it grows back softer, finer, and thinner. The more you wax, the less hair grows back.

Waxing should not be performed if you have particularly sensitive skin. Don’t wax if you’re taking Retin-A, Accutane, or any type of acne prescription.

Preparing for treatment Let the hair grow out to about a half-inch above the skin. If hairs are too short, the wax won’t adhere strongly enough to pull them out.

Home care after waxing It’s important to care for the waxed area properly after treatment to prevent ingrown hairs, breakouts, or other reactions. Exfoliation will help keep the skin clear. Avoid using a bar soap, as it leaves a film on the body that could cause ingrown hairs.