Anti-Aging Essentials


Antioxidants: Neutralize fee radicals turned loose by the sun's UVA rays by donating one of their electrons, to each, transforming them into non-damaging molecules. In a nutshell, antioxidants help prevent tissue damage that leads to aging and disease. Make sure your aging products contain ample amounts of antioxidants or the aging process will outpace the corrective treatment and, don't forget, you must still avoid smoking and sun exposure!

Vitamin A: Otherwise known as Retinoids, Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that is likely the single most important ingredient to prevent, restore, normalize and help repair damaged skin due to its role in the normal differentiation and proliferation of cells. Ingest fish, liver oils, egg yolks, milk and various vegetables and also apply topically to reap the benefits of Vitamin A in preventing and healing damage.

Vitamin E: A highly effective antioxidant that protects collagen from destruction by UV rays. Warning - it must be accompanied by Vitamin C to protect it from damage and inactivation when exposed to free radicals. Look for the two formulated together.

Vitamin C: Aside from its role in reactivating Vitamin E, is important for protecting the lipid structures of cells, preventing the oxidation of vitamin A and is effective in preventing hyperpigmentation by slowing down the production of melanin. Vitamin C is a natural component in the skin but is utilized first for other bodily functions so skin is vulnerable to deficiency. Must be included in the diet, in supplement and topical products.

Exfoliants: Professional, mild resurfacing through the use of Alpha Hydroxy Acids creates a natural healthy exfoliation that removes excess cells while balancing the health of the skin. Professional peels create a partial thickness injury to the skin and the body, through it's repair process, generates new and healthy cells. Mild peels, when performed in a series and combined with quality home-care, will lead to a fresh and rejuvenated complexion.

Peptides: Proteins that are synthesized to their most useable form in order to affect the dermal layer. Highly respected for their ability to penetrate the skin and activate their target, increasing the production of collagen and elastin. Remember though, their use is accumulative and takes time!